
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Holidays Around the World!

I hate that I blinked and November was gone! It's always so fast paced with Veteran's Day, conferences, and Thanksgiving.  Not only that, but the Seahawks are coming next week, so we have to make time for some fun Hawks themed lessons.  Anyway, apologies about not uploading more fun stuff for November.

MOVING ON.  December is just around the corner.  Which means...

I just purchased this from Gabby'sClassrooms and I LOVE IT.  I do Holidays Around the World as a theme each year but over time, I've just skimmed down to a few countries so that we can really go into more depth.  It's tough since December is such a fast-paced month as it is! I am using this wonderful product this year but I am definitely altering it to fit my needs.

I made the book Gabby's Classrooms provided but I just printed the pages I was going to teach.  Same with the passport and the scrapbook provided.  LOVE the idea, but I cut out a few counties.  Here's my schedule: 

Gabby's Classroom pack provides a fun scrapbook to make with your kiddos, as well as a cool passport that offers some cool opportunities for direct draws.  However, in an effort to preserve some of my existing holiday projects, I just combined Gabby's book with the art I already do.
I also LOVE LOVE LOVE  finding some food or music that is traditional in that country to really make some memories.

ALSO, as I'm sure you can see, I really love teaching about New Year.  This is because my family is Peruvian and we do some pretty hilarious things for New Years, including wearing all yellow, eating 12 grapes at midnight, running around the block with suitcases, and putting pennies in our shoes.  
It's crazy, but it's so much fun.  I love sharing these traditions with my kids. I have lots of funny home videos of my cousins & I doing these things growing up and the kids really love watching!

I am currently working on making a book similar to Gabby's except about New Year just to go along with the holiday theme.  I've planned two days to teach about it and I have about seven traditions and countries to squish in there!

Stay will be fun!


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